YES! Lavington Security Ltd is a approved contractor.
Yes, Lavington Security Ltd is accessed and Accredited by CCAS (Chamber Certification Assessment Services).
Lavington Security Ltd provides twenty-four hours Control room and provides 24×7 support services to clients.
Lavington Security Ltd has been in security industry for the past 10 years and still going very strong.
Yes, Lavington Security Ltd hired staff according SIA and British industry hiring standards.
Permit to work in Kenya, Clean working History, Professional references, basic educational history and excellent inter-personal and communication skills are basic requirement for any job applicant.
Yes, Lavington Security Ltd hired staff accordingly using security industry hiring standards.
Yes, all field staff are hundred percent SIA licensed holder according to relative security fields.
We pride ourselves in providing a full range of Security Management Services and committed to continually improve the contents and quality. Well qualified and experienced professionals are dedicated for the growth and improvement of the security services.
Location: Lavington Security House, Dennis Pritt Road, Kilimani area
Address: P.O. Box 76283-00508, Yaya Centre, Nairobi.
Phone: 020-3860928 / 020-3860939
Mobile: 0722-455605 / 0722 139212 / 0735 339110